Monday, June 22, 2009


It's hard being happy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Living within

So it is not a surprise to the people that live in my neighborhood that I have a difficult set of circumstances that I live in. My building was sold about 5 months after I moved in and since the new landlord took over it's been one battle after the next.

At first it was battling with the landlord. He didn't seem too concerned that there was no heat in the building for 5 days. I could live without a stove for weeks and it shouldn't be that big a deal. He always has some "Guy" who can "do da job". Well I am not like some people but if someone is installing my gas stove I want them to have a licence to do that job. Electrical work should be done by a person who has completed the required amount of training and is licenced. We have had no heat, too much heat, no water, water that has boiled over the radiators ruining the floor, no electricity. My electricity is linked to both the neighbor as well as the hallway. And lets see how long it will take before the landlord gets the problem fixed. I've been waiting for almost a year for the back porch to be fixed. It is leaking water and sludge down the stairs for the past 9 months. Before that it just leaked water.

The best part of this landlord's excuses are the fact that he keeps saying "But I called the guy and he's going to do it for free but he has to wait until there is no rain at all. Everything has to dry completely out." Well I am sorry then because he doesn't know that he's in New England and there aren't enough days that don't have some sort of wetness going on. But I digress. The main fight right now is parking, weekly cleaning of the common areas, it smells and the back porch is so sticky that I have to clean my shoes when I get in the house.

So the newest development of the "I can't believe they did that because it's so cliche" party is the downstairs neighbors. So one day several neighbors and I were speaking with our landlord about our concerns within the building. You know the parking, cleanliness (trash was being left in the hallways), and outside access doors being propped open. Wide open. And at least half of the apartments are rented by single women. Now I didn't think that conversation would be a bad thing however one of the neighbors were not happy that we were trying to fix the building and make it safer. OH NO! The lady neighbor was angry and started swearing and screaming about people complaining about stuff that isn't their business. Then she flicked us off.

But it gets better. It always gets better. Since they moved in (They lived on the other side of the building and then moved into the unit beneath me.) they have been less than satisfactory. They have a huge chair on the back porch and they sit and smoke there... sending smoke throughout the hallways and into my apartment. Lovely. So since they've moved in they have a habit of listening to the same 4 songs over and over again and with excessive loudness. The music is so loud that it not only vibrates the floor but it vibrates the couch that I am sitting on. I can't focus on my television because I am waiting for them to realize that 9pm and 10pm and that you turn your music down because it's late at night.

Well, they don't make that realization so I move to stage two. Now this usually includes tap dancing because I assume that they can't hear me so I might as well get some practice in. But this time I was tired if it all. So I call the landlord. I have complained about them already. I told Mr. Landlord that the music was so loud that I couldn't watch my television that was 5 feet away from me. He then said that he would call the downstairs neighbors and tell them to quiet down. Well he must have told them I was the one who complained because they started to bang on the ceiling downstairs. It scared the cats and they ran into the other room. I had it at that point. I called Mr. Landlord and told him that if they did that again I was going to call the police and not him. I told him that I was tired of it and that I was done with this situation. I said that it was up to him to talk to the neighbors and get things taken care of. I have done nothing wrong and that they don't respect him and do whatever they want.

Well he called them again... and after that there was a lot of yelling and slamming doors and stomping around coming from the downstairs apartment. I really hate having to be a total bitch but at the same time this is where I live and I can't keep myself happy and healthy if all I hear when I am trying to relax is crappy techno. I am worried that they might key my car. I did hear them slamming the outside doors. I hope that this all gets taken care of and that we can live in this building together.

And this doesn't include the parking lot wars between the residents and the business owners.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Why Saturday Blows

Saturday is widely know as "Date Day" in the younger society. The youth of every generation have met at coffee shops and bars around the world or have gone to the movies after dinner, some even go dancing. I have neither the motivation to find a man to date in this area nor the desire to date online. I do not want to become a lampshade in some crazy man's apartment. I mean look at the Craigslist Killer. It's just not in my nature to go to a bar and try to pick up some drunk bastard who wont even remember my name in the morning. I am sure that I will find someone by the time I am... I was going to say 30 but that's just around the corner and therefore not realistic... so I guess that I will aim high and say 35. And with any luck I will be divorced by 40. But dating is not how I celebrate the weekend.

I know Saturday as the day that I lay around watching TV and switching from one crappy movie to another surrounded by my cats. I also eat ice cream but that's besides the point. Saturday is the day that I prove to myself I am so lazy that I can't get off my butt to choose one of the over 600 DVDs that I own. Instead I try to find a television movie that wont offend my delicate senses. And to top it off network television just can't find it in itself to have programing for the crazy cat ladies (like myself) who stay home on a Saturday night. Harper's Island is NOT the answer. Neither are repeats of the weeks shows. No one has thought to corner the spinster market. Well not on television anyway. I mean they have totally tapped into the knitting and scrapbooking market. Maybe they can come up with some show about loving the way you live your life... cats, scrapbooking, crocheting and all.

Thankfully I will keep on truckin' and my cats and I will be found on some distant Saturday all crusty and molded with some crappy ABC Family movie about a snow globe and a manatee... one can only hope.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

To Blog or not to Blog

That is the question. Now what brings me back to the bloggosphere.... Well it's my mother. She has a political blog and said "National health care scares me." She goes to Tea parties and is ridiculously republican all of a sudden and I am apparently now stuck in the middle of it all. Why do I think that I am stuck in the middle you ask. Well I am hardcore Liberal Democrat.

This blog, for me, will explore a variety of subjects*. Everything from Obama's first 100 days, whether or not Biden should be allowed to speak, how the puppy Bo is doing and do the girls pick up the doggie poop? We will also discover my thoughts on certain television shows like LOST and Dancing with the Stars and some other celebrity craziness and the occasional book and movie review. Let's face it... more movie reviews then book reviews. And some book to movie reviews... because those are the most interesting.

I don't for one hot second think that I am an end all be all for any these subjects but from one unemployed victim to another... what else do I have to do all day.

* I am open to subjects please feel free to send me your thoughts and suggestions.